What Anxiety Feels Like

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Quoted From: https://specializedinfusions.com/what-anxiety-feels-like/

"Feelings of anxiety happen to everyone, but if they worsen and last for months, you may need to seek professional medical or psychological care to treat the symptoms. Knowing its symptoms and risk factors is important in treating anxiety and regaining control of your life. Medicine like ketamine may help.

What is anxiety?

"Occasional anxiety is an expected part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time." Once diagnosed, the condition and its symptoms can often be treated with psychotherapy or medicine like ketamine.

What anxiety feels like

You know how stress feels: the sensation of butterflies in your stomach and sweaty palms are two of the best-known signs of feeling stressed. But what precisely does anxiety feel like? You may experience any of the following sensations or emotions:

Excessive or constant worrying that happens more often than not
Hyperarousal, including sweating and palpitations
Restlessness and muscle tension
Fatigue, headaches, irritability
Trouble concentrating
Having trouble sleeping
Abdominal cramping and nausea
In the short term, you may brush off these symptoms and signs. But you may start to notice that over time anxiety symptoms affect overall quality of life.

Risk factors

Researchers believe that environmental and genetic factors play a role in anxiety, but there are some common ones to look for including:

Temperamental traits like behavioral inhibition or shyness in childhood
Early childhood or adult exposure to stressful and bad life or environmental incidents
A history of other mental illnesses or anxiety in blood relatives
Some physical health ailment, like heart arrhythmias or thyroid issues, or caffeine or substance abuse, can create or exacerbate anxiety symptoms"

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