What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual?

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Mindful Monday 6/14/21 | "Spirituality emerged as a fundamental guidepost in Wholeheartedness. Not religiosity but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves--a force grounded in love and compassion." ~Brene Brown
Quoted From: https://thevitalspirit.net/2021/06/13/what-does-it-mean-to-be-spiritual/

"Spirituality emerged as a fundamental guidepost in Wholeheartedness. Not religiosity but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves--a force grounded in love and compassion. For some of us that's God, for others it's nature, art, or even human soulfulness.

~ Bren Brown
I have read many definitions of spiritual. It is not a term that can be described succinctly in a sentence. There are parts to it and those parts require context.

Part One Personal

The definition of spiritual is something related to or concerned with the spirit or the soul. When you are more concerned with the state of your soul than with material things, this is an example of a situation where you would be described as a spiritual person.

This isn"t to say that a spiritual person isn"t concerned with material things at all or that they can"t be interested in material things, but they put their concern for the state of the soul above a monetary value. For example, they feel compelled to act with integrity rather than taking the easy way outworking for a company that pays less but demonstrates morality and fairness over a high paying job that sacrifices ethics and morals to make money.

Part Two Cosmological

The spiritual cosmology believes that all things in the Universe are connected on the soul and energetic level by a force greater than ourselves grounded in love and compassion. When we harm one person/ animal/ forest, we are actually harming the whole system and there will be ripple effects felt far and wide.

Part Three Engagement

Living as a spiritual person means living an examined life. What motivates my actions and behavior? Am I choosing those actions and behaviors because they are good for me and the world or am I playing out a program created earlier in life that was born in fear or trauma?

The only way we can fulfill our commitment to the healthy state of our soul is to become conscious of our motivations and reactions. Once aware we can choose to change and heal the ones that harm us or others."

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