What is Nerve Flossing?

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Quoted From: https://mechanotherapy.physio/physical-therapy-treatments/nerve-flossing-neurodynamic/

"Nerve flossing, or nerve mobilization, is a form of physical therapy used to find pain that is caused by the compression of certain nerves in the body. Sciatica is a common condition that forms as a result of compression on the sciatic nerve. Side effects of compression include nerve spasms and painful tissue inflammation. Often, patients suffering from nerve compression will experience tingling or burning sensations in their feet, neck, or back. Nerve flossing/mobilization can help pinpoint the source of your pain and treat your symptoms.Nerve mobilization treatment is performed by applying light pressure directly on a compressed nerve to move it through the nerve sheath, using techniques called "flossing" and "gliding." These techniques help locate the source of the pain, and restore the balance of the nervous system. Nerve mobilization is also a common form of therapy for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and various musculoskeletal disorders."

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