Wise Body Healing

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Quoted From: http://wisebodyhealing.org/new-page

"Structural Integration, developed in the 1950"s by Dr. Ida Pauline Rolf, offers a comprehensive and systematic form of holistic bodywork that is designed to address the entire being and the relationship of the fascial system to gravity. Her work has been expanded upon by many health professionals including Thomas Meyers who wrote Anatomy Trains and developed Kinesis Myofascial Integration (KMI) which is the school that I attended. KMI takes the basic Structural integration "recipe" developed by Dr. Rolf and applies it to the myofascial continuities outlined in Anatomy Trains.nother way to look at the overall concept of Structural Integration is taking the term Holism and applying it to the intentions that Structural Integration is trying to achieve. Holism states, "systems function as wholes and their functioning cannot be understood solely in terms of their component parts." Structural Integration seeks to address this interconnected whole, the fascial network of the human body as it relates to gravity.Structural Integration is a process of manual therapy techniques applied in a strategic manner over 3 to 12 consecutive sessions spaced out about two weeks apart. This philosophy of hands on bodywork differs from any other bodywork in that the client is not a passive recipient
of the work but is a fully present participant in the process. The client is wearing comfortable clothing such as shorts, underwear, or bathing suit."

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