"What do you want? Really. Is it a thing? A new car? A different wardrobe? Is it money? Is it prestige?
Take a moment and think about what the word "abundance" means to you. Is it really just a large quantity of something, or is it more than that?
In my experience, people tend to associate abundance with two items: money and time. Both are quantifiable things - things that you can count and measure. I recently read an article by Charles Eisenstein (one of my favorite speakers/authors) who referenced a 2011 study of households with a net worth of $25 million or more (yes, you read that right - twenty-five million dollars). The study indicated that the majority of these households didn"t feel financially secure and actually felt they needed to increase their assets by at least 25% to have that sense of security. That"s astonishing!
So, what is that really telling us?
There"s clearly a deeper issue - an innate need that isn"t being met. Charles Eisenstein says "we have maximized our production of the measurable the square feet, the productivity per labor unit at the expense of everything qualitative: sacredness, intimacy, love, beauty and play."
So how can we truly experience abundance?
When we shift our perspective from one of quantity to one of quality, we can stop seeking abundance and start experiencing it.
The internet is smothered with articles about self-care, so I won"t go into detail on how to implement it into your weekly (ideally daily) life, but it"s something your body is craving whether or not you allow yourself to recognize it. Unfortunately, it"s become socially acceptable to run ourselves into the ground, work tirelessly, and constantly be productive lest you be considered the horrid "L" word LAZY!
The fact is that we need time by ourselves and for ourselves - it is NOT selfish.
We need to unplug and indulge in activities that bring us joy on a regular basis. This is not an option or simply a suggestion. This is absolutely mandatory for your current sanity and your future well-being. It"s during self-care activities that we"re able to bask in the abundance of time (even for 30 minutes), day-dream, and exercise the creative aspect of our minds that is otherwise dominated by our logical and over-analytical brain. It"s in this space that we"re recharged and rejuvenated, and as a result of this intentional care, we"re able to fully participate in the world around us."
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