Let's Make a Health Connection - Podcast with Roger Barnick

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Quoted From: https://localhealthconnect.com/podcast/#DrRogerBarnick

"Today we are talking to Dr Roger Barnick of Barnick Chiropractic. He is a practicing chiropractor in the Salmon Creek area of Vancouver, specializing in family care. He has cared for patients as young as teeny tiny all the way up into their 90s. He tells me he has the honor of helping some people through the darkest times in their lives as well as having fun helping people who are high performing athletes and outdoor enthusiasts. Roger, you have been a chiropractor for 17 years. What is up with that?

RB- I don't feel like I'm old enough to think of doing anything for 17 years but that's what the numbers suggest. Yes 2004, October 28th. I adjusted Johnny, my first patient. I won't give you his last name but he knows who he is and I still remember that day I went up to the state capitol. I was in Mississippi at the time and got my license that morning. I came back that afternoon and did my first official chiropractic visit and it was awesome. 17 years later I'm loving it more than ever.

LHC- We are so glad to have you here in Vancouver. I just want to thank you for doing the interview today. You shared with me earlier that you really have appreciated being able to serve the community especially during this time of covid, during this pandemic. i'm so curious about what it's been like working in such a high contact environment over this last year and a half?

RB- Well. I think I probably felt what everybody felt when we went into this last spring, winter and spring of last year and that was first of all confusion and then, second of all, what can I do to help. I think that is our natural humanitarian inclination. And it was a situation where you know so many people had no no way to help. The most they could do to help was stay home and stay away from people and that's not very, you know, that's not how people want to help. But I have the privilege of meeting people, giving them the opportunity to connect with somebody face-to-face, person-to-person and actually touch and be touched in a professional nurturing way. As a chiropractor, and that was just a lifeline for a lot of people honestly, it was really an anchor to the world that we were kind of forced to leave behind for a season.

LHC- I imagine that would be a little bit scary in the beginning. "Oh yes, I'm gonna keep my practice going during this time?"

RB- Well there were practices that were okay in the state of Washington. We had the choice. we could close or we could open. There were practices that closed thinking that that was the best thing they could do for the population. The chiropractic profession has always been built on the principle that health comes from the inside and that chiropractic adjustments help the body function at its best. We knew we were working with the virus and the only way to fight a virus is with natural immunity. and you know if you get something like the flu virus, there's some medical intervention but mostly they say rest, drink fluids, eat well, that sort of thing. So we know that fighting that virus comes from the inside and chiropractic has always been based on the idea that we could nurture and amplify that healing response by taking care of the body. And so I trusted that principal, trusted my education and my philosophy and decided to keep the doors open. And I'm so glad we did."

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