Military-related PTSD and Intimate Relationships

Why this resource is helpful:

Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have brought heightened awareness of military related PTSD, as well as the intimate relationship problems that accompany the disorder and can influence the course of veterans" trauma recovery.
Quoted From:

"Our military involvements in Iraq and Afghanistan, Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF), have raised awareness about the individual mental health consequences, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), that can arise from traumatic stress exposure during the course of military deployment."

Additional Recommended Resources:


In Patient Mental Health Facility in the Portland area. Adults with Mental Illness and/or Substance abuse.

We"ve designed our inpatient programs to facilitate the healing of both body and mind which is why many of our programs ...

In Patient Mental Health Facility in the Portland area. Adults with Mental Illness and/or Substance abuse.

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