Nutrition Consulting

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"Nutrition consulting, one-on-one or family services: $100/hour-long consultation. First appointment $175. Shorter follow-up consultations done over the phone or video conferencing are pro-rated. Only one individual is counseled at each appointment but other family members may want or need to be included for practical reasons. We will go over all your labs, coordinate care with your other providers, create a plan and support you on your journey as needed. Sign up for plans for more support, savings and better outcomes.

Nutrigenomics: Genetics are a new tool we have to support health. However, our genes only tell you what COULD be going on. We need other labs and evaluation of symptoms to give us a clear picture. We can use your genetic reports to help us address your needs, and clarify any concerns you may have. I can use the ones you already have or help you order one if we need them to clarify our treatment plan.

Functional Labs: As much as possible, I utilize the labs patients can get using insurance with their doctor. But when we need more information, I utilize functional labs. These tests give us windows into the body to tell us what is really happening. Actual deficiencies of critical nutrients, dysfunction of the organs in the intestinal tract, intestinal pathogens and hormone imbalances. Examples of tests I use include an organic acid test by Great Plains, GI Map stool test by Diagnostic Solutions and Dutch test for hormones by Precision Analytical. The right test with skillful interpretation can save a person thousands of dollars in incorrect treatments and years of living with dis-ease. As like to say, "Test, don't guess!""

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