Refuge Recovery

Why this resource is helpful:

Refuge Recovery World Services issued an advisory to all Refuge Recovery groups March 13th, 2020.

Please check the bulletin and contact R R W S with questions.

We are here to assist all groups all members and all those interested in Refuge Recovery...

A B O U T O U R P R O G R A M Find out more about the path of Refuge Recovery and how it works.

F I N D A L O C A L M E E T I N G Search our directory to find local addiction recovery meetings in our international community.

M A K E A D O N A T I O N Make a tax-deductible contribution to support us and help others recover from the suffering of addiction.

A Buddhist Inspired Path to Recovery from Addiction Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction.

The main inspiration and guiding philosophy for the Refuge Recovery program are the teachings of Siddharta Gautama, a man who lived in India twenty-five hundred years ago.

Siddharta was a radical psychologist and spiritual revolutionary.

Through his own efforts and practices he came to understand why human beings experience and cause so much suffering.

Eventually he came to understand and experience a way of living that ended all forms of addiction.
Quoted From:

"What is Refuge Recovery?

We are a peer-led movement using buddhist-inspired practices and principles, combined with successful recovery community structures, to overcome addiction. We offer recovery from all forms of addiction through participation in our Refuge Recovery program. The book, Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Inspired Path to Recovering from Addiction; is the foundation of our program and used by all Refuge Recovery groups.

Refuge Recovery members practice a daily recovery program that includes meditation and personal inventory, mentorship, retreat and service as integral components. Our program includes regular attendance at group meetings. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for all who wish to pursue and maintain an addiction free life. Refuge Recovery Meetings are available in over 500 locations worldwide."

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