"Sessions take place with the client on a treatment table in comfortable straps to stabilize any parts of the body not being worked on. This technique uses combinations of PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) as well as joint traction. A Fascial Stretch specialist will combine different techniques of movements targeting multiple angles to release, relax, and stretch the tissues and fibers.Fascia is connective tissue that covers our entire bodies. Head to toe, skin to bone; and even penetrates throughout our cells and tissues. Mobility, flexibility, healthy circulation in muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain & spinal cord are all largely dependent on flexibility of fascia.Fascial Stretch Therapy is appropriate for all ages, from children and up, anyone trying to get out of pain, professional athletes as well as those who simply enjoy staying active. It has the ability to decompress joints, where we lose close to 40% of our flexibility. Your fascial system is a force transmitter and this type of assisted stretching is known to help people perform and recover better, in both every day life activities as well as intense work outs."
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