Overcome Fear

Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From: https://brewerhypnosis.com/overcome-fear

"How much longer do you want this fear that holds you back, or has you completely freaked out to continue to interfere with your life?
Some people can easily hide their fear by avoiding the subject or experience, but for some, it creeps up on them and freaks them out no matter where they areat home, at work, shopping, or out in public space.
It can lead to panic or outward expression when you lose all control. You don"t mean for it to happen, but the fear becomes bigger than you.
Fear can be debilitating.
Fear can interfere with life plans and hold you back from wonderful experiences like
going on vacation
leaving your house
trying a new activity
getting necessary health care
being with your family or friends
enjoying being outside in nature
driving or taking public transportation
getting the job that you"ve always wanted

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