Oxygen Therapy

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Quoted From: https://sleeptechnologies.com/pages/oxygen-therapy

"O2 Therapy is a medical treatment designed to deliver supplemental oxygen to individuals who have difficulty getting enough oxygen on their own. It is a common intervention used to treat various conditions, including respiratory diseases, heart conditions, and other health issues that can cause low oxygen levels in the body.
During oxygen therapy, a device called an oxygen concentrator or an oxygen tank is used to supply a controlled amount of oxygen. The delivery of oxygen can be achieved through different methods based on the individual's needs and the severity of their condition.
The duration and frequency of oxygen therapy are determined by healthcare professionals based on the individual's specific needs and the results of oxygen saturation monitoring.
The benefits of oxygen therapy are substantial. It helps improve oxygen levels in the blood, which can enhance overall organ function and alleviate symptoms associated with low oxygen levels, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and confusion. By ensuring an adequate oxygen supply, oxygen therapy can promote better sleep, enable increased physical activity, and ultimately improve the individual's quality of life, particularly for those with chronic respiratory conditions.
It is important to emphasize that oxygen therapy should always be prescribed and monitored by qualified healthcare professionals. They will determine the appropriate oxygen flow rate and duration of therapy based on the individual's condition, oxygen saturation levels, and other relevant factors."

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