Recovery and Sobriety

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"You"re not your best self when you"re drinking or using substances.
You"re also not your best partner or parent.
The ridiculous fights and arguments you have with your partner; they"re hurtful and probably never would have happened had you been sober. Snapping at your kids, being impatient. You don"t want to admit it because you love them so much, but bedtime is your favorite time so that you can use and not have to parent.
Getting up in the morning is so hard; you"re always tired and often don"t feel very good. Your life has been built around this habit.
Maybe you"ve noticed that your use is steadily increasing. It"s hard to cut back, and it usually creeps back up anyway. You"ve seen that it affects your relationships. It affects how you feel and work. You"re regretting what you did the days and nights before. It"s impacting your life and the way you feel about yourself. It"s upsetting, yet the anxiety and depression you feel when you consider quitting are upsetting, too.
The thought that keeps niggling at the back of your mind
How do I know if it"s a problem?
Everyone has different thoughts here
It"s not THAT bad.
I can cut back if I need to.
I can just drink on the weekends.
Should you be concerned? Well, if you"re reading this page, then it"s probably an issue. And I"m betting that others have likely mentioned it a time or two as well."

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