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Naturopathic medicine is a branch of healthcare that blends safe and effective traditional therapies with modern medical science. This system is designed to treat the underlying cause of conditions rather than symptoms alone. Naturopathic physicians utilize diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and natural as well as traditional medical therapies to enhance their patient"s ability to prevent and fight disease. Naturopathic physicians view patients as a complex, interrelated systems or a whole person and not just a diseased organ or isolated condition. They are licensed primary care physicians with science-based pre-medical education, four years of accredited medical education and post graduate residencies as seen in other medical professions. Only those graduates who attend accredited programs, pass all national and state licensing examinations, and meet continuing education and other state requirements are allowed to practice as naturopathic physicians. Naturopathic physicians are trained in both basic and clinical sciences including: anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, clinical and physical diagnosis, laboratory and x-ray diagnosis, IV nutritional therapy, minor surgery, and pharmacology. In addition, they are also trained in homeopathy, botanical medicine, nutrition, counseling, massage, craniosacral therapy, spinal manipulation, and more."

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