Taking Responsibility for Your Own Healing

Why this resource is helpful:

Reiki is a powerful way to open a channel to your healing. It can unblock the pathways to your heart and mind.
Quoted From: https://celestiallighthealing.com/taking-responsibility-for-your-own-healing/

"Reiki is a powerful way to open a channel to your healing. It can unblock the pathways to your heart and mind that have been closed off by a lifetime of experiences. It can help you peel off layers of defenses built to stave off hurt and anger accumulated from years of holding onto the effects of trauma and disappointments. Reiki is a medium for facilitating your journey toward wellbeing and purposeful living. And while it can help identify blockages and start the healing process of those blockages, it is up to you to find the tools to completely remove them.
That healing must come from within and requires patience and perseverance. While Reiki can be a trusted companion, a source of positivity and self-discovery, the way forward remains your personal responsibility. You must give yourself permission to heal, and you must be receptive to the soothing warmth of the healing energies you feel during your Reiki session and let those energies reverberate throughout your body. During your session, allow yourself to relax and let the positive healing energy enter you and renew and reinvigorate your body.
Too often, we try to rely on external sources to help us become more content with our lives. We look for material things only to find that once we get "our fix" we are nowhere nearer to feeling better, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Real wellness comes from focusing inward and letting ourselves get through initial layers of discomfort to arrive at feelings of joy and purpose.
During your Reiki session, you will find a safe space to become vulnerable. With each visit, you will be able to shed another layer of protection that"s blocking the flow of energy into and out of your body and spirit. Years of pain and absence of joy cannot be overturned overnight. It takes patience and time. To move forward, you must do the work to push through the barriers and embrace multiple inward-facing practices, like yoga, meditation, journaling, and breathing exercises. By opening your heart and mind, you will be able to nourish your lifeforce energy and find the guidance you need to take you to a new place of peace and purpose."

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