The Energy Enhancement System

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"Scalar waves have always existed. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. A Scalar wave is known as a fifth dimensional non-linear wave. Third dimensional laws of nature do not bind it. Scalar waves exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. Thus scalar waves function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.
Quantum mechanical analysis of biological processes has revealed that biological systems are of a non-linear nature. When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited. This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state that is representative of its original, natural, electrical matrix form.
Every cell in the human body when functioning at its maximum health potential ranges between 70-90 millivolts. Dis-ease and aging occurs when the cellular energy depreciates to levels below this range.
The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that are capable of holding a charge. Scalar waves are self-contained three-dimensional waves that spin on a fixed axis. Non-linear waves propagate throughout the body via the crystalline lattices of the elaborate collagen network. The shape of scalar waves is reminiscent of the multiple helical structure of DNA as it folds in on itself. Quantum Mechanical models describe subatomic particles that can store and carry biological information along helical macromolecules like DNA.
This indicates that scalar energy is capable of imprinting itself in the DNA. This presents a paradigm shift towards a new nonlinear regulatory network in the body with properties best described by quantum physics."

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