"I was recently challenged to come up with a "Personal Vision Statement" of how I want to respond to the long-term systemic racial injustice that continues to plague our country.
Here"s what I wrote:
We are all sick with a "dis-ease" that is slowly killing our spirits, IF we let it continue.
I admit that I have not paid enough attention to my own role as a white person of privilege, in not fighting this disease of systemic racism. We need an anti-viral vaccine.
I pledge to pay attention to evidence of this disease, and speak out, write, express and dispense the Antidote, which is Anti-racism.
I pledge to teach, encourage, and pass on: Not just inclusion, but embracing people of all colors and backgrounds. I want to reach out in new waysgreeting and getting to know peoplebeyond the surface politeness.
I want to stand up and be a real part of my community and my country"s Great Awakening and overdue Healing.
God"s kin-dom is and has always been multi-ethnic. All people were created in God"s divine image.
Let"s align with the prophet Micah: "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." --Micah 6:8"
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