"The Vancouver Police Department is actively involved in a coordinated community response against Domestic Violence that includes participation in the Clark County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Task Force and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Fatality Review. The Vancouver Police Department has Domestic Violence unit which investigates domestic violence crimes and works with the the Domestic Violence Prosecution Center.
For victims who are concerned about the pending release of an offender we invite you to visit the VINELink website. VINELink is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Victims and other concerned citizens can also register to be notified by phone, email or TTY device when an offender's custody status changes. Users can also register through their participating state or county toll-free number.
The U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) also provides eligible victims and witnesses access to information regarding a criminal alien's release from custody. Visit Victim Notification on the ICE website for more information.
Domestic Violence Myths, Facts & Statistics
Myth: Battering is only a momentary loss of temper.
Fact: Battering is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The batterer uses a series of behaviors, including acts of violence, intimidation, threats, psychological abuse, isolation, etc., to coerce and to control the other person. The violence may not happen often, but it may remain as a hidden and constant terrorizing factor.
Myth: There isn't any real violence going on in my relationship; my partner has never bruised me or hit me with a closed fist.
Fact: Any unwanted touching is a form of violence. Forced affection, pinches, slaps, shoves, and other unwanted physical contact are violent acts.
Myth: I can't say there is any real violence in this relationship because my partner has never been physically abusive.
Fact: Any behavior that is used to control another person can be considered as violent. Verbal, emotional, and mental abuse are forms of violence that are as harmful as physical violence--and the effects are usually longer lasting.
Myth: Domestic violence does not affect many people."
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