Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From: https://www.drlanaferris.com/ptsd-and-trauma

"Trauma can have significant and lasting impacts on our mental, emotional, and physical health. Sadly childhood trauma is incredibly prevalent and effects the way the nervous system develops and grows. These changes have long-lasting impacts on how people interact, make decisions, and manage stress. Oftentimes people with history of trauma end up experiencing panic attacks, anxiety, depression, nightmares, insomnia, ADHD, and other mental health disturbances. In my practice I strive to address the root causes of peoples" mental health concerns, which often means treating underlying past trauma.

One framework of viewing the long lasting effects of trauma is called polyvagal theory. Polyvagal theory basically states that when we are stressed we have two responses- either fight/flight or freeze. Survivors of trauma often end up with dysregulated nervous systems stuck in fight/flight or freeze which leads to symptoms like anxiety, digestive complaints, insomnia, being jumpy/startled easily, or feeling numb, distant, and isolated. In my practice I aim to restore balance to the nervous system and help re-establish a felt sense of safety so your body can relax. This approach, working from the body up and accessing trauma that is stored in the body, can help heal the roots of mental health struggles and allow people to be more present and connected in their day to day lives.

Balancing the nervous system is the top priority when treating past trauma and PTSD. The goal is to help you be able to better tolerate daily situations without your nervous system reacting as though you are in danger. Reducing the reactivity of the nervous system can help reduce panic attacks, anger outbursts, nightmares, and triggers. I utilize craniosacral therapy and massage to work with your body to help it re-establish a feeling of safety and support your nervous system. Over time this allows your nervous system to re-calibrate and be more regulated. I also use herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle to support your adrenal glands and nourish the nervous system so it can heal and repair itself.

Natural treatment options for PTSD include herbs, supplements, homeopathy, massage, and nutrition. There are also medications I prescribe that can reduce nightmares and decrease PTSD symptoms while we work on healing the underlying trauma.

I work with each patient to develop stress management and grounding techniques they can use in the moment when feeling triggered or dysregulated. This helps people have tools to care for themselves and to feel less helpless or sabotaged by PTSD symptoms."

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