In Biofeedback training, you're hooked up to sensors that give you information about what your body is doing. Biofeedback allows you the opportunity to change your feelings, thoughts, and physical responses.Quoted From:
"Biofeedback refers to the use of electronic monitoring of a normally automatic (involuntary or unconscious) bodily function in order to train someone to acquire voluntary control of that function. In Biofeedback training, you"re hooked up to sensors that give you information (feedback) about what you"re body is doing (bio).
The feedback aids you in making focused changes in your body, such as taking deep focused breaths, to achieve the feeling you want, like becoming poised before problem solving with a loved one you were previously angry at. Boiling it down, Biofeedback allows you the opportunity to change your feelings, thoughts, and physical responses. These benefits extend but are not limited to physical wellness, emotional regulation, stress management, peak physical performance training, test preparation, and relationship health."
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