5 Steps to Boost Immune Fighting Power

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Quoted From: http://www.anaturalchoice.org/Natural_Choice_Doctor_Heather_Boyd_Roberts_Blog_Vancouver_WA.asp?ID=152

"Take steps now to boost your immune function and prevent the fall winter immune system blues. Take these steps to enhance your immune armor.

1. Wash Your Hands Frequently
Good hygiene has been scientifically proven to raise your body"s levels of Albumin, an important and abundant protein. Albumin is necessary for detoxifying your body and transporting crucial nutrients for optimum cellular function. The higher the albumin, the better it is for your immune system. But watch what kind of soap you use. Anti-bacterial soaps kill all bacteria including the good. And at the AMA annual meeting in 2000, Myron Genel, chair of the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs and a Yale University pediatrician, said, "There"s no evidence that they (anti-bacterial soaps) do any good and there"s reason to suspect that they could contribute to a problem" by helping to create antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

2. Get a Good Night Sleep
Sleeping 8 hours a night is crucial for optimum immune function. Our fighting immune cells, known as our T cells, go down after just one night of sleep loss. The more nights of sleep loss you have, the more likely you are to decrease your body"s ability to respond to colds or bacterial infections. Also, a single night of sleep loss increases your body"s inflammatory cytokines. That means any chronic conditions you have including atherosclerosis, all vascular diseases, arthritis and other pain conditions as well as any allergic reactions you have will be worse after a night of poor sleep. This all leads to more stress on your immune function and less ability to ward off colds and flus.

3. Eat Foods That Strengthen Your Immune System
A healthy diet is critical for keeping your immune system strong. Add these foods into daily eating plan to maximize your immune function. But remember it"s just as important to limit the immune suppressive foods including sugar and any food sensitivities or allergies that you have."

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