Chemotherapy treatments can last for hours; therefore, it's helpful to be prepared by creating a chemo care kit that you can bring with you to treatment.Quoted From:
"Whether you"re just starting your chemotherapy treatments or you"ve been doing it for a while, we know that sometimes small things can make a big difference as you work through your cancer treatments. Most cancer treatment centers, like Compass Oncology, are designed with cancer patients in mind. However, creating your very own chemo care kit with personalized comforts can give you some hope and peace of mind. This simple collection of comfort items can go a long way toward giving you peace of mind and offering additional support throughout the treatment process.
At Compass Oncology, we understand the importance of being with you every step of the way from diagnosis and throughout your treatment journey. We"ve compiled a helpful list of things you may want to include in your chemo care kit that may help keep your mind busy and our nerves eased as you receive your necessary cancer treatments. Of course, you are more than welcome to bring along other special items to you, but this list is a great starting point.
What is a Chemo Care Kit?
A chemo care kit is a collection of items in a tote or bag you take with you during your cancer treatments. Because some treatments can last for hours, it"s helpful for you to have some things that bring you joy and make the experience as pleasant as possible. Personal items from home that remind you of your loved ones or friends are proven to be incredibly supportive.
Items to Include in Your Chemo Kit
When gathering items for your chemo kit, consider what makes you feel the most comforted. Everybody is unique, so the suggestions here can be personalized to your personal preferences. If you aren"t sure about certain items you"d like to bring, you can always ask the treatment center ahead of time.
1. Food and Drink
Most cancer treatment centers will provide water and snacks in case you become hungry or thirsty during your treatment. However, it"s always suggested to bring your favorite foods and beverages to give you just a little extra comfort and a touch of home. Items you may want to include:
Refillable water bottle
Lollipops or lozenges for dry mouth
Portable snacks such as chips, pretzels, trail mix, cookies, etc.
Fruit juice, flavored water, or other sports drinks
2. Entertainment
As mentioned before, chemotherapy treatments can take several hours to complete. It"s not unusual for people to get bored during their chemotherapy treatments unless they have a few activities to keep them busy. Your cancer treatment center may have a few items on hand, but you"ll want to bring your favorite items to pass the time. A few suggestions:"
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