Dealing With Anxiety is Tough

Why this resource is helpful:

Dealing with anxiety is tough, yet you have more power than you know. Learn ways to challenge your thinking through anxious times.
Quoted From:

"Collecting Life-Tools
The goal with this exercise is to start collecting "tools" for your life toolbox. An example of a life-tool is meditation, mindful thinking, yoga and many more. The goal with aquiring these life-tools is to stregthen your ability to handle stress and help when you are dealing with anxiety. When you take an offensive stance on anxiety, it helps you stop feeling like "the other shoe is going to drop". In most cases, when we"re stressed and anxious, we feel like we"re under attack, then go into defensive mode.

That"s no way to live!

We"ve already prepped you with our first set of tools in our last article and eBook.

Just in time for the new year, we"ve created another tool for your life-toolbox! Download our free infographic that digs deeper into the process of evaluating your thoughts when you are dealing with anxiety. It"s ok to feel anxiety, but it"s good to remember:

Don"t believe everything you think.
Feelings aren"t facts, they change like ocean waves.
You have more power than you realize use your tools!"

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