"Sometimes it"s too hard.
I retreat inward to clear the space, x ray scan on what has been placed where it doesn"t belong and where I"m holding the extra noise, static in my frequency, density in my body, anxiety overwhelms me and I shut it all down. For a moment, because I have to. It"s how I am made."
What do you want? Really. Is it a thing? A new car? A different wardrobe? Is it money? Is it prestige? Take ...
4 SURE-FIRE WAYS TO GET MORE OF WHAT YOU REALLY WANTAll women's cancer support group and Advanced/Metastatic support group. All led by Oncology Social Workers in a richly supportive and safe ...
Vancouver Wa. Womens Advanced/Metastatic Support Group"You can think of spirituality as connecting to whatever you consider meaningful and holy. You can find it in God, in ...
Take care of your spirit