Being grateful for what we have can benefit our physical, emotional, and social wellbeing--but how can we cultivate the practice during challenging times?Quoted From:
"We reap the benefits of gratitude most when we practice it regularly throughout the year, rather than save our graces for those seasonal holidays or days of remembrance. telltale holiday season. Gratitude is a practice of appreciating. It is good for us and those around us: There appears to be evolutionary social function for expression of gratitude. Being the giver or receiver of good deeds, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on are social exchanges that promote caring and survival.
Social scientists are exploring the many benefits for being thankful and grateful. Reflecting on what went well has been shown to improve health, increase happiness, and boost connections to others among people of all ages. For example, researchers who randomly divided adults into three groups instructed to focus on life"s hassles, count their blessings, or think about neutral life events or social comparisonfound that maintaining a "grateful outlook" led to some emotional, physical or interpersonal benefits. Another study found that elementary school students who were taught to think gratefully not only felt more grateful but also expressed it to others more than children in the control group. Students in the intervention group wrote 80% more thank you cards to their parent-teacher association. Other research has shown that youth who count their blessings have more satisfaction with their school experience. Practicing gratitude can propel an upward spiral of positive emotional and social outcomes that ripple out.
Of course, it is not too hard to rattle off a list of what we are grateful for when things are going wellbut what about when we are in the midst of frustration, going through a challenging time, or struggling in some way?"
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