Is your mood keeping you from living the life you want to?

Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From:

"A mood disorder can include a sense of sadness or despair that lasts weeks or months and permeates your daily life. A mood disorder can sap you of energy, sleep, appetite, and concentration. Teens and adults suffering from a mood disorder can become withdrawn from friends and family and the activities they once enjoyed. These symptoms can lead to depression or major depressive disorder, serious medical conditions that can be lifelong battles.
Moving beyond your mood disorder can be particularly challenging when those around you encourage you to "cheer up" or "focus on the positive." Though these sentiments may be well-meaning, they can make someone suffering from depression feel even more isolated. Mood related problems can be hard to articulate which makes them difficult for others to understand and empathize with. It doesn"t help that many mood disorders include a heavy dose of self-doubt, keeping you from reaching out."

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