Listen to the windit whispers your destiny

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How do we know if or when we are on the right path?It kind of feels something like this. Gently swaying in the breeze, a bit of
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"In this moment the wind is speaking
gently caressing the leaves above, landing fleeting shadows upon my face. Feeling the warmth of sun. Moving along its own path. Following an unseen current. Brass bells kissing. A musical sonnet.
The warmth of the sun invites sleep. A crow caws in the distance. Heat bugs clickety click, scritch and scretch. Rubbing their wings to a high crescendo, praising the heat of day. Reminding us where we are.
Where are we? Hello crow. Or is it raven? I think the latter. In this moment, the path in view is short. I cannot see around the bend. Quiet now.
Choosing the path that led me here, crossing the river with no tracks to follow. Stepping into the cool freshness, gingerly looking ahead through the crystal clear water. Searching for the best place to land my foot. The next step
How do we know if or when we are on the right path?
It kind of feels something like this. Gently swaying in the breeze, a bit of unease as the path is only revealed in small patches. Curiosity, and a gentle tug somewhere deep within. An interior voice nudging. This way, or no, that.
Change doesn"t come without some bit of discomfort. But we can choose to transform our lives with grace and ease. It"s nearly always a choice. Make friends with the unknown. It is relentless in its effect within our worried minds. Make friends with the unknown. For it is there that the path unfold"

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