"While you dream, Let your heart be unafraid.
Each month, we"ll gather together in circle for an experiential guided journey to enhance spiritual growth and development.
This is a group for WOMEN interested in exploring their spirituality, and the edges of personal awareness. We"ll stretch mind and body, connect to inner wisdom, be creative, share ideas, hopes, dreams, passions, and fears, and make personal connections through friendly relating. If you are curious, wondering about possibilities and potential, and open to inspiration, come meet with like-minded women and share in the journey! Monthly, call or email for more information.
Monthly topics may include:
Complementary Healing Modalities
Meeting Your Spirit Guides
Manifesting Your Dreams
Connecting with Angelic Beings
Setting Up Sacred Space
Creating Your Personal Altar
Opening to Higher Wisdom"
"You can think of spirituality as connecting to whatever you consider meaningful and holy. You can find it in God, in ...
Take care of your spiritAll women's cancer support group and Advanced/Metastatic support group. All led by Oncology Social Workers in a richly supportive and safe ...
Vancouver Wa. Womens Advanced/Metastatic Support GroupThe cry we hear from deep in our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child"s pain will ...