"Not only does bad posture look uninviting, but it also decreases your flexibility and increases your risk of getting injured. The development of neck pain is one of the biggest repercussions of sitting with bad posture for a long period of time. A chiropractor can help you fix your posture and carry out the necessary adjustments to realign your cervical spine, so you no longer suffer from persistent neck pain.
How Does Bad Posture Contribute to Neck Pain?
Many of us spend hours on the computer for work and study purposes. These long hours in a nonergonomic environment will put a lot of strain on your neck and cause lasting pain and discomfort without proper posture.
Poor posture can cause neck pain because:
It causes an increased amount of stress on your cervical spine
It results in unnecessary stretching of the spine and nerve roots
It may cause muscle overload and make you more susceptible to neck sprains and strains
Muscle imbalance and neck pain only increase the longer you maintain bad posture."
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