Spiritual Healing, Psychic Consultation, 22 strand DNA activation, healing, 16 lotus petal activation, psychic readingsQuoted From: https://www.rainbowlifehealing.com/
"I specialize in clearing away negative energy and restoring balance to my clients mental, emotional and physical state. The techniques I am trained in have been used for thousands of years in monasteries and temples. Now these healing methods are available to the public. We can't all live like monks, but we can take some time out of our stressful lives to click the "reset" button. For over ten years it has been my honor and privilege to assist people in their healing process. Reach higher, let go of old patterns, contact me for a consultation.
I'm done projecting negativity into the universe and expecting positive to come back. I'm done loving people and not getting love in return or the love I desire. I'm done setting my hopes so high that I can't even reach them. I'm ready to start living for the first time and no one, no thing, no drug, no love, and no person is gonna stand in my way! I feel like I can think clearly for the first time in a long time and I feel like I'm not bogged down with the emotion and trouble of my past. I have myself to thank, but mostly I have to thank the person who helped me see the light. Thank you, Kerri Sheragy, for awaking my much needed heart to the light and love of the divine. For your newly existing presence in my life will only bring joy. Thank you again. - Shane Frey
Thank you for helping me a few weeks ago. I felt such a huge weight lifted off my crown & you helped to balance everything and cut the cords weighing me down, I have felt soo light since you worked on me. You are truly a natural healer!!! - Sarah Emmerman"
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