Relief for Carpal Tunnel Sufferers

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"Carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a painful hand, wrist and arm medical condition that often becomes progressively worse over time. The condition develops from a pinched nerve located in the wrist, and it is caused by underlying health conditions, pregnancy, wrist anatomy or hand/wrist use patterns. The carpal tunnel is a palm side wrist passage way that protects the main nerve and tendons that allow your fingers to bend. When this nerve becomes compressed, symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome appear.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, tingling, numbness and eventually a sense of weakness as the condition progresses. The numbness occurs on the thumb and all fingers excluding the little finger. The numbness, tingling and pain are more apparent when performing certain activities like driving a car. The symptoms are worse upon wakening in the middle of the night or upon waking in the morning. The pain can eventually extend up the wrist, arm and shoulder.

Vancouver Chiropractic Care for Carpal Tunnel

If you have persistent carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, particularly if they interrupt your sleep or interfere with daily activities, it's important to receive medical care as soon as possible. Left untreated, carpal tunnel can lead to nerve and muscle damage. For this reason, it is essential to receive treatment from Dr. Michael Pettet, DC, our Vancouver chiropractor, as early as possible. Chiropractic treatment and manipulation have been reported as an effective means to treat carpal tunnel. Our chiropractor is experienced in diagnosing issues in the nervous and skeletal system, and uses manipulation of the elbow, wrist and upper spine to treat CTS pain and numbness. Ultrasound therapy and massage therapy are other tools in our chiropractor's toolbox for managing CTS symptoms."

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