Why this resource is helpful:

Lacamas Counseling provides counseling to those trapped in patterns of sexual addictions or pornography in Camas and Vancouver, WA.
Quoted From:

"Like other addictions, sexual addictions are difficult to control and end, affect both men and women, and begin for a variety of reasons (e.g. curiosity, pleasure, exposure, sexual abuse, coping with negative emotions). Each person differs in how often they act out sexually and how much it impacts their day-to-day functioning. Sexual addictions and pornography use have devastating effects on relationships, intimacy, identity, finances, and other life domains.

The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity describes sexual addiction as a "Persisting and escalating pattern of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others."

Sexual addictions may be diagnosed as a mental health disorder when it impacts your ability to function at home, school, or work, or in your relationships.

Sexual Addiction Counseling Vancouver WA
Symptom Self-Check
Are you secretive about your sexual behaviors and thoughts?
Have you sexually acted out in inappropriate places?
Have you repeatedly engaged in sexual activities that you later regret?
Do you find yourself masturbating in public or at work?
Are you overly preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
Do you spend an excessive amount of time watching pornography?
Do you feel shame or guilt after your sexual experiences?
Do you spend an excessive amount of money pursuing your sexual desires?
Have you ever experienced legal problems because of your sexual pursuits?
Do you have to jeopardize your morals and values?
Are you experiencing problems in life, family, work, or other relationships?
Have close friends or family expressed concern about your sexual behavior?

Sexual Addictions can include:
Excessive masturbation
Multiple affairs
Use of prostitutes
Multiple sexual partners
Sexual harassment
Rigid sexual rituals
Obsessive relationships
Excessive use of finances to fulfill sexual pleasures"

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