Transformational healing helps you tap into higher realms and resources and move forward with conscious soul-level awareness as you evolve on your journey.Quoted From:
"Change happens. It"s inevitable in the cycle of life.nd like a butterfly, you too can choose to transform your life, and fly along on your journey beautifully, with grace and ease.Give yourself the gift of a deeply transformative energetic and vibrational healing session that integrates spiritual counseling, divination, essential oils, acupoints, guided visualization and so much moreIt begins the moment you choose yourself, and your experience will be created just for you in this perfectly precious moment of your life. In this year, 2022, I"ve expanded these sessions to include a numinous crystal which will work in collaboration with a carefully curated and customized aromatherapy blend to take home, formulated with the intention of supporting you on your transformational healing journey."
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