"We will create, from the space of this deconstruction.
We will discern, and we will choose what drives our lives.
We will take pause
We will look at the sky and our own hearts.
We will notice our bodies.
We will sleep when we are tired, and adjust according to our natural rhythms.
We will have faith in the quiet voice inside, we can hear it now
We will walk, with nowhere to be
We will see, with the eyes of a child
We will smile and we will cry and all of it will be like and unlike the next
Without judgment, without trying to force things into boxes like we forced our bodies into too tight jeans
We will stop, so that we will evolve
We will sit, un-busying ourselves
We will love, in the most simple ways
We will dissipate our anxiety in the absolute presence of things
We will learn how
We will grieve
We will learn how
We will say thank you, we will notice what we have to say thank you for
We will honor our blessings and have true felt compassion for suffering
We will send out love, to loved ones and strangers
We will allow, and we will surrender
We will bow on our knees to the Great Mother and we will see where our things come from
We will try to be better humans on the earth than we have been"
"You can think of spirituality as connecting to whatever you consider meaningful and holy. You can find it in God, in ...
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4 SURE-FIRE WAYS TO GET MORE OF WHAT YOU REALLY WANTAll women's cancer support group and Advanced/Metastatic support group. All led by Oncology Social Workers in a richly supportive and safe ...
Vancouver Wa. Womens Advanced/Metastatic Support Group