What are Gynecologic Cancers?

Why this resource is helpful:

Gynecologic cancers include cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, and endometrial or uterine cancers. Learn more now.
Quoted From: https://www.compassoncology.com/gynecologic-cancer

"Gynecologic cancer refers to a group of cancers that begin in a woman"s reproductive organs. These cancers include cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, and endometrial or uterine cancers. Each of these cancers is unique with different causes, risk factors, and treatment options. However, across all of the gynecologic cancers, treatment is most effective when the cancer is found early. Therefore, understanding more about women's cancers, their risk factors, and their symptoms can lower your chance of developing an advanced stage gynecologic cancer."

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