Why Should You Care About Posture?

Why this resource is helpful:

Posture training is the foundation to good health.

This sounds like a bold statement, but without proper alignment it is impossible for one to move through life without accumulating aches and pains relating to poor posture.

Read on to learn how you can train your posture to improve your overall health.

Stress, repetitive movement patterns and habits lead us to hold ourselves in a variety of imbalanced positions.

These imbalances, also known as compensations, cause us to develop aches and pains that over time can become constant.

Eventually this chronic pain can cause us to take medication, and possibly even have surgery to try and eliminate the pain.
Quoted From: https://youryogamojo.com/blog/chronic-pain-posture-tips/

"Chronic Pain

Stress, repetitive movement patterns and habits lead us to hold ourselves in a variety of imbalanced positions. These imbalances, also known as compensations, cause us to develop aches and pains that over time can become constant. Eventually this chronic pain can cause us to take medication, and possibly even have surgery to try and eliminate the pain."

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