"What is Health Coaching?
Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches help clients focus on both Primary and Secondary Foods to make meaningful and lasting changes to meet their goals. Primary foods include relationships, finances, creativity, spirituality and much more! Secondary foods consist of "what"s on the plate", and Health Coaching is designed to help clients thrive through knowledgeable and personal conversations and recommendations at the end of each coaching session.
Would Health Coaching benefit me?
If you feel as though you could be living a healthier lifestyle but you just aren"t sure where to start, or if you find yourself struggling to take action on the ways you already know you could improve your health and wellness, then Health Coaching could be greatly beneficial for you! Health Coaches help clients identify and meet realistic and targeted goals in order to create lasting change over time, all with the client in the driver"s seat. Whether you feel overly stressed, you want to explore healthier (but also delicious) ways of eating, or you just simply want to improve your energy level and mood, Health Coaching addresses all of these areas and more!"
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