Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Why this resource is helpful:

Colon Health Center in Vancouver, WA serves customers. We offer services in Colonic Therapy. We specialize in Colonic Therapy
Quoted From: https://nwcolonhealth.com/Facilities.html

"Colon Hydrotherapy is an ancient form of cleaning the colon with water. It is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine (colon) without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered and temperature-regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis (muscle contraction). This process is repeated many times during a therapy session. Today"s sophisticated technology promotes both the safety and sanitation of this cleansing practice. Colon Hydrotherapy is regaining respectability and popularity."

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