De-sugar your brain

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Sugar produces inflammations which harms our immune system. Read to find out more what you need to know from Dr. Nadene Neale, Naturopath, Vancouver, WA
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"So, if you"re like any one of the average Americans in the US, you"ve likely consumed 156 POUNDS OF ADDED SUGAR this year . Added sugar has been linked to poor memory, learning disorders, depressiona host of unwanted conditions.

Several areas in our brain run the craving sensation. The brain remembers the last sugar bite you had and the feeling you had soon after eating it and triggers a string of neurons to push you to seek sugar. After eating the bite, the reward-pathway in your brain pumps beta-endorphins into your brain, giving you sensations of pleasure. You see, it"s really not an issue of being "weak" or having "no willpower." It"s more science based than that.

It is quite an interesting thing, thoughif we"re getting all the nutrients our body needs, we really don"t crave sugar. It"s hard to believe, but it"s completely true. Some nutrient and/or mineral deficiencies trigger sugar cravings.

We"ve found great results doing this 21-day sugar detox , there is a free quick-start guide on the site. Check it out! And 21 days is nothing! We know that 21 days is the amount of time that it takes to really break a habit. Give it a shot. Your brain (and your body) will thank you. If you need more support, give us a call and set up an appointment! We got you. 360-836-5730"

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