"Naturopathic Medicine excels in working with digestive problems
Naturopathic doctors receive extensive training in understanding the complexities and interrelations of digestive wellness and overall body health.
We are well versed in natural health approaches to specific digestive disorders such as IBS, heartburn, and ulcers as well as less obviously digestive-related conditions such as autoimmune disease, allergies, and migraines.
Digestive Disorders helped by naturopathic medicine:
Constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Celiac disease, gluten-intolerance
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn"s disease, ulcerative colitis
Intestinal dysbiosis (gut microflora imbalances or intestinal candida overgrowth)
Food allergies
Leaky gut syndrome
Acid reflux / Heartburn / GERD
Indigestion, gas, bloating
Pancreatic enzyme insufficiency
Gall bladder
Hepatitis, liver congestion or fatty liver (non-alcoholic steatic hepatitis)
Diverticulosis or diverticulitis"
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