"My method of energetic healing is a complex combination of Source/Creator energy remembered through my DNA which provides access and awareness to soul blueprints. I remembered this transformation process through the ancient wisdoms of "Qabalah" and "Tantra". These interwoven esoteric teachings reawaken the Soul"s blueprint bringing illumination, healing opportunities, unity, and deep life transformation. For me, they gave language and analytical understanding for how energy manifests and moves through the layers of the human vessel.
Understanding the intricate and intelligent designs of each individual's energetic pattern, I facilitate restorative and graceful balance via expansive clearing (release of all that is not you) and harmonic resonance with your soul's divine sovereignty (remembering your authentic self).
This can:
Release Emotional Blocks
Relieve Physical Pain
Activate the Body's Ability to Self-Heal
Create Feelings of Peace and Relaxation
Remove Mental Blocks
Increase Access to Inner Wisdom
Retrieve Soul Fragments
Balance and Activate Chakras
Bring Illumination and Clarity
Inspire New Ideas and Perceptions
Increase Creativity"
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