Trusted Hashimotos Disease Thyroiditis Specialist serving Vancouver, WA. Contact us at 360-262-6115 or visit us at 7700 NE Greenwood Dr., Suite 120, Vancouver, WA 98662: Ageless Beauty RxQuoted From:
"Approximately 1-2% of the population in the United States is affected by this, and the real statistic may be much higher as many physicians rarely test for it as part of their thyroid screening process. It also affects women more than men by a ratio of 10:1. Since the thyroid is the Master Gland of the body, symptoms of Hashimoto can vary and effect multiple systems in the body including skin, hair, and nails, GI, cardiovascular, and brain. It can also cause your thyroid to swing from a low (hypothyroid) to a high (hyperthyroid) state depending on how high your antibody levels are and how much stress your body is under. Treatment becomes more complicated, and it is even more important to try and identify and treat the underlying cause. If left unchecked, the autoimmune antibodies can lead to a number of health problems including goiter, heart problems, mental health issues, myxedema, and birth defects, and it can destroy the thyroid gland over time."
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