Language, Mental Health, And Celebrating Your Body

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"Hi everyone! My name is Lauren. I am excited to share this blog post I wrote to bring more awareness towards our mental health, language, and relationship to our bodies. This topic is dear to my heart. I hope this can be informative, impacting, and inspiring.

It brings my heart joy and so much warmth to witness the increasing recognition of mental health, health at every size, and body acceptance in popular culture.

For about half of my life, I struggled with orthorexia, which is a form of disordered eating where one obsesses about "health." For me, it was paired with several hours of daily exercise, and obsessive thoughts about body image and food. I ended up losing my period for several years, being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, decreased bone density, brittle nails and dry hair, and persistent digestive challenges. This was an overwhelming and exhausting process to navigate- were it not for the physical push back I had from my body, I am not sure if I would have noticed other signs asking for my attention and nurturing."

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