"Mindful eating, or the practice of being mindful during meals, has been found to help "rewire" the brain"s response to food. Distinguishing between Biological hunger cues and Emotional hunger cues is an important piece in reducing maladaptive eating behaviors, such as stress eating.
If you were engaged in a stressful activity before a meal, give yourself time to decompress before eating.
Eat your meals with family or friends, rather than eating alone.
Avoid multi-tasking while eating (working, watching TV, responding to emails and texting will all impair your ability to enjoy or appreciate your meal).
Sit down while eating.
Use chopsticks if you are a fast eater, this will help you slow down and allow for smaller bites!
Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing. Seems simple enough, but do you do it??
Set your utensils down in between bites, allowing for a purposeful pause (and time to chew).
These mindful eating strategies help to cultivate interoceptive awareness of a healthier relationship with food, mindful eating is truly about being present during each eating experience."
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