Mindful Living for Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health

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Quoted From: https://www.afamilysportschiropractic.com/blog/mindful-living-for-your-health/

"We all have that one thing. The thing that makes us curl our lip and stomp our footbut we do it anyway. Whether paying bills, eating broccoli, or getting a flu shot, we know it"s good for us but we just don"t like it. Erase the grump-factor to do your body good. Physical, mental, and emotional health can all benefit from a year-round attitude of mindfulness and gratitude. Combining a few deep, calming breaths with an internal inventory of things to be thankful for is endlessly beneficial.

Dr. Chani Henderson at Vancouver"s Family & Sports Chiropractic has long advocated for a spirit of thanksgiving. And rightfully so. We"ve known for many years that mindset has long-lasting repercussions on body, mind, and spirit. Authors at Psychology Today explain that "To find clues for healthy living today, we must look to our past. The history of human evolution shows a definitive link between our physical health and psychological well-being. The Greeks understood the importance of a Sound Mind in a Sound Body. That credo became the foundation of their civilization."

To do this they recommend daily physicality, intellectual curiosity, fostering creativity, human unity, spiritual connectedness, energy balance, and voluntary simplicity. All of these are great, but sometimes just the act of paying attention is enough. And medical researchers say mindfulness is vastly easier than you may think.

"Being mindful means paying close attention to what"s happening in the moment. Put simply, mindfulness is about being present. It means noticing what"s happening inside your mind and in your body. (Your stomach hurts when you think about doing your taxes.) And it means being aware of what"s happening around you. (Flowers are blooming on your route to work.) When you"re being mindful, the key is not to label or judge what"s happening. Your feelings aren"t good or bad. They just are. In that way, mindfulness is about observing. You notice your life with a little distance, instead of reacting emotionally.""

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