"At Pain Relief Partners, non-invasive procedures are used for neuropathy treatment in Vancouver, Washington. Neuropathy is a condition of the nervous system which affects somewhere around twenty million Americans, and is commonly treated through medication, often with highly addictive prescriptions. Here at Pain Relief Partners, in Vancouver, Washington, neuropathy treatment is something we choose to do differently because we believe in treating the cause of the condition, not the symptom. We work to solve problems with solutions that are non-invasive, such as nerve blocks, chiropractic care, lumbar decompression, and neuropathy lights and boots to help increase blood flow to the feet.
If you have neuropathy, you may have been told that you "Just need to learn to live with it." We do not find that acceptable! Most patients who come see us for neuropathy symptoms have been on multiple prescription medications to try to reduce their symptoms. These medications tell the brain that there isn"t pain, but they don"t do anything to help the feet or hands where there is nerve damage, so the condition actually worsens. We want to do something to help our patients be able to feel more, have better balance, and live with less pain. We have several treatment options available, and we would very much like the opportunity to be able to educate you on what we may be able to do for you!"
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