We provide anxiety treatment at our Vancouver, Washington facility. If you or a loved one need therapy for anxiety, contact Rainier Springs 24/7.Quoted From: https://rainiersprings.com/anxiety-treatment/
"Treatment for anxiety often includes a combination of medication and talk therapy.
A type of therapy that"s been shown to be effective for treating anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which can help you identify inaccurate or negative thinking and build skills to cope with challenging situations. Anxiety treatment may include CBT and other therapies, including mindfulness training, wellness education, peer-to-peer support, and expressive or recreational therapies.
There are several medications that may help treat anxiety, including anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. These may be used in the short-term or long-term, depending on your needs. It"s important to note, though, that medication alone is usually not a comprehensive treatment for anxiety.
Some people who experience severe anxiety may require 24-hour care, in which case inpatient treatment may be recommended. This residential treatment program provides a variety of therapy including individual, group and family therapy, along with other support and medication management.
For people who need to live at home or maintain a work schedule, outpatient treatment may be a better option. We offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment for anxiety at our facilities. Some people begin treatment as an inpatient and step down to outpatient services, while others begin as an outpatient."
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