"These arise from a different underlying problem that causes the headache. For example, a sinus infection can cause a sinus headache or and injury can cause a trauma induced headache. Secondary headaches can also arise from a generalized disease condition. A tumor or another abnormality or even an infection in the brain or the spinal chord could also result in a headache. These headaches usually go away when the underlying cause is treated or brought under control.In some people, these headaches could be a warning sign of a very serious underlying condition especially if the headache comes on suddenly in a person who was previously headache free for the most part. If you think that your headache may be stemming from a different underlying condition, you need to consult your regular medical doctor or a neurologist as they will have more expertise in the treatment of secondary headaches. In some cases, a visit to the emergency room or immediate hospitalization may be needed if the pain is very excruciating and is accompanied by loss of function."
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