How to tell the difference between perception and truth, exploring Byron Katie's process of self-inquiry and with channelled guidance.Quoted From:
"How can you tell what is true and not true?
I have been pondering the question: how to tell the difference between perception and truth, utilizing Byron Katie"s Process of Self-inquiry. I"m aware that telling the difference between what is true or untrue is not easy because the truth is in the beholder"s eye and in what resonates. And what may be right for one person may not be accurate for another.
I am exploring this question because I received an email from a client who asked me about The Byron Katie Self-Inquiry process, and how to tell what is true and not true.
My client"s question prompted this Q&A exploration. You can read her inquiry and my answer, plus a channeled message by Masiandia.
"What is the truth? When I see through a person"s behavior, such as when a friend is passive-aggressive, am I projecting my perception, or is it the truth?" "I am trying to follow Byron Katie"s inquiry process and want to be accountable for my feeling and needs. It"s important to me that I not project un-grounded perceptions. But what do I do with my observation? In my heart, I know my friend is passive-aggressive, but do I really?"
When you can see the other person"s behavior, such as passive aggression, without judgment and attachment, then there is nothing to inquire about. You simply observe the situation with curiosity and acceptance. You remain open to possibilities, rather than let your initial perception define your experience.
However, if you"re in reaction to what you perceive in the other, then Byron Katie"s process of inquiry is hugely beneficial because it opens you to a broader perspective."
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