"Here at Haven Health & Wellness we care about the process, not just the product. We believe healthcare should be about making patients feel heard, valued, and truly cared for; not just about the numbers or the money. We are devoted to providing you with a positive experience as well as positive outcomes. Learn more about our values here.
As naturopathic doctors, we believe that addressing the emotional, mental, and spiritual components of well-being are essential for health. In our practice we take an integrative approach offering both medication and natural treatment options for a range of mental health concerns. Common conditions we work with include depression, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and physical complaints that are worse with stress. Our goal is to help you understand your health and mental wellness, educate you on all your treatment options, and answer any questions you have. Then we work together to decide what treatment options are best suited for your unique situation. We employ a variety of techniques including lifestyle counseling, massage, supplements, homeopathic remedies, and pharmaceuticals. We also offer gender-affirming hormone therapy, medical monitoring of eating disorders/disordered eating, and support during recovery from addiction. We provide services for patients in WA and OR, especially those located in the greater Portland/Vancouver metro area."
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